Bilingual Me


The educational digital material that relates contents of the bilingual areas and the learning of the English language consists of a series of interactive visual activities based on the CLIL methodology. Based on the premises of the inverted class (flipped classrom) and the latest trends in gamification, autonomous access is thus facilitated for all students through electronic devices.

Thanks to the coordination of the content and English language teachers, the didactic units will be prepared that the students will be able to work on both in the formal and non-formal spheres, obtaining very important support in their teaching-learning process. The planned activities are also designed taking into consideration the type of exercises proposed in the official Cambridge certifications, thus facilitating additional preparation that will allow students to face these tests with a better preparation.

The activities will have a graduation and a theme so that the students can progress in a coherent way and, on the other hand, the possibility of checking the answers favors the students’ reflection on their own progression.

 Due to the characteristics of this open digital product, teachers can create new interactive activities to enrich it and adapt it to their own context and needs.

To know Bilingual Me

The material available at the Genially online communication platform exhibits these fundamental characteristics:

  • It’s open and of free access for all users
  • It offers online training available for use
  • It can be expanded and adaptated according to the context and needs of each school and educational institution that may use it
  • It is complemented with technical support from Genially during the start-up


This project begins after a search for potentially useful material to be used in formal and non-formal education, where it was verifid the lack of this material beyond the textbooks published for use within formal education. For this reason, a basic objective of the project is the creation of free and open digital material for the bilingual program in a meaningful way, aiming not only at the acquisition of concepts and vocabulary but also at expanding the range of performance of students in all kinds of communicative situations.
Thanks to this, all students will be able to review previous contents in the bilingual program while enhancing and developing their language skills required for official language exams.
It is also important to note that this material will provide a great advantage for students with special educational needs, who specifically require graded materials that facilitate interactivity and autonomous, and it will also help coordinated access with the teaching staff of therapeutic pedagogy. These materials are basically aimed at responding to the notable absence of this type of resources.


BILINGUAL ME materials offers these target groups:
– students of bilingual plans in formal and non-formal education;
– students with special educational needs;
– teachers of bilingual plans for formal and non-formal education in their classes.


The software created is potentially usable by all types of educational centers in bilingual plans.


– Use of new technologies for education.
– Autonomous, open and free access to digital educational software that responds to the coordination needs of the English language and curricular content.
– The software allows the expansion, enrichment and adaptation of each educational center to its context and students.
– Easy access and simplicity of use.
– Free online training for any user through tutorials.


– Improvement of the coordination of the teaching staff of the bilingual plans for the creation of their own materials.
– Increased student satisfaction and results.
– Modernization of access systems to digital content for students.
– Reduction of early school failure.
– Individualized attention to students in a broader and more effective way.
– Constant monitoring that enriches the continuous evaluation processes.


20 teaching units have been designed in four blocks with three levels of difficulty. Graphic and audiovisual material has been created for its implementation in gamified interactive activities.